
Dry Ginger - Spice Basket - High quality Indian spices at the best ...                             

Name: Dry ginger,Sonth in Hindi, Sonti in Telugu, Soonth in Gujarati, Suntha in Marathi, Shunti in Kannada and Sunthi in Odia.

Botanical name: Zingiber officinale 

Dry ginger is the drying process of ginger(Spice) in a special way.Dry ginger powder is widely used in the kitchen to add flavor and aroma.Besides spicy nature it has many health benefit like-

1. Loose motion

2. Indigestion and vomiting tendency

3.Common Cold

4. High blood sugar

5. High cholesterol 

6. Beauty 

Loose motion: Dry ginger is very useful in loose motion.It soothes the stomach and gives relief from loose motion.One inch of dry ginger can be taken and burnt it on gas flame up to 40-50%.Then the powder form of it  can be taken with two pinches of salt and a cup of normal water on empty stomach.This process can be repeated two times a day till recover from loose motion.This works like a miracle.

Indigestion and vomiting tendency:  The stomach gets upset when the food can not be digested properly. An upset stomach can be annoying, painful and sometimes lets you feel like vomiting. To get instant relief from this , one tea spoon of dry ginger powder can be taken with two pinches of salt and two pinches of black pepper powder. 

Common Cold : Sometimes due to the change of weather we may suffer from flu which is called common cold. It irritates us because of the running nose and sore throat. In this case dry ginger plays an important role to deal with common cold. One tea spoon of dry ginger powder can be taken with half tea spoon of honey. One tea spoon of dry ginger powder can be mixed with red tea and black pepper is also helpful. 

High blood sugar: Dry ginger is an excellent natural home remedy for controlling high blood sugar in our body. To keep your sugar level balance, one tea spoon of dry ginger can be taken with one cup of lukewarm water regularly in morning on empty stomach.

High cholesterol: Dry ginger is also very useful in the lowering of  high cholesterol level in our body. To maintain cholesterol level ,2-3 tea spoons of dry ginger powder can be taken with warm water on empty stomach.

Beauty : It can be used in face pack to prevent acne and pimples.Its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties help to kill bacteria and keeps face acne free.

 -------------------------------------------------------------------------  Urban Organic Haritaki Small / Harad Small / Black Himej ...

Name: Harad , Harida , Haritaki
Botanical name: Terminalia Chebula

The dried fruit of Harad is mostly used in Ayurvedic medicine.
 Many diseases can be cured at home without visiting to doctor. It is best for the diseases
like -
1. Cold and Cough
2. Weight loss
3. Weak Immunity
4. Weak digestion 
5. Constipation

 Cold and Cough : Harad has the property to cure cold and cough.For mild cold and cough,a small portion of the skin of Harad can be  taken and chewed.It gives immediate relief from continuous cough. It is the best medicine for both dry cough and mucus(balgam) cough.In severe cold and cough the skin of one Harad can be taken and boiled with two cups of water and can be taken 10 ml -20 ml through out the day in empty  stomach.It works faster than any other cough syrup and is the best home remedy.

Weak digestion ,Weight loss,
Weak Immunity and Constipation : It removes the toxins from body and stabilizes weight by proper digestion of  food.It improves the metabolism of body.It makes the immunity system strong.One fourth skin of a Harad can be taken and soaked in one cup of  normal water over night and taken in next morning in empty stomach regularly to get better result.It is the most trusted and tested home remedy.


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